Course curriculum

    1. Connecting to data sources, including Excel files and databases

    2. Cleaning and shaping data with queries

    3. Creating relationships between tables

    1. Choosing the right visualization type for the data

    2. Customizing visualizations, including formatting and adding labels

    3. Creating interactive reports with drill-down and filtering options

    4. Choosing the right visualization type for the data

    5. Customizing visualizations, including formatting and adding labels

    6. Creating interactive reports with drill-down and filtering options

    1. Exporting and printing reports

    2. Sharing reports with colleagues and stakeholders

    3. Collaborating on reports in real-time with the Power BI service

    1. Using DAX to create calculated columns and measures

    2. Creating custom visuals with R or Python

    3. Using the Power BI API to automate report creation and distribution

    1. Applying Power BI skills to real-world scenarios and problems faced by accountants and bookkeepers

    2. Practicing data analysis and visualization techniques through hands-on exercises and projects

    3. Test your knowledge

About this course

  • $9.99
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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